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In Badgers, we are a mixed aged class of 10 pupils consisting of Reception and Year 1 aged pupils. We need support to meet our learning needs that are linked to communication, learning, social and emotional and global development delay, and difficulties. Some of us also have a diagnosis of Autism and other medical conditions. We are a very active class and enjoy being busy and able to access a range of activities.

We are supported by Miss Nair (Class Teacher) and Teaching Assistants. The role of the adults in our class is to support and develop our learning whilst also meeting our individual needs in the educational setting. Our classroom and learning environment is spacious and includes both indoor and outdoor provision. These areas enable us to work in whole group, small group and 1:1 situations. We have access to a wide range of learning resources and really enjoy the practical approach to learning and developing our skills which are observed regularly.

As we are in the early stages of our school and educational experiences, the adults that we work with use strategies and approaches outlined in our curriculum to develop our love for learning and build our knowledge and experiences of routines and ways to communicate. Our teachers have high expectations of us all and aim to ensure that we become the best that we can be ensuring we have the skills and knowledge we need to be able to achieve this. It is wonderful to see us grow, develop and achieve our targets and goals from both our learning curriculum, assessments and those outlined in our individual Education and Health Care Plans.


Class updates

Physical Education

Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday. Please make sure your child has their PE kit to keep in school and it is clearly labelled.

Life Skills

During Life skills this term, we will be focusing on Keeping Healthy and Personal Development, including Water Safety, Road Safety and Stranger Danger.

Soft Play

Every other Wednesday, your child will be attending Crystal Leisure Centre to take part in Soft Play sessions as part of their Physical Development. This will take place in the morning session. Can the children come dressed in appropriate comfortable clothing.


The children access books every day. They are encouraged to explore books by looking at the illustrations and independently turning the pages. The staff sit 1:1 with each child to read their own reading book and this is changed once a week. Please share reading books at home with your child to encourage a love of reading.