Squirrels Class is a class in Pathway 4 made up of 13 mixed age children between 7 and 11 years of age. We focus closely on the individual needs of each child and their preferred learning styles. There are regular opportunities for indoor and outdoor learning where the children are able to explore their ideas using a wide range of practical equipment.
The class are supported by Mr Robinson (Class Teacher) and Teaching Assistants. The team have created a safe and happy learning environment that inspires the children to care for each other and promotes a positive learning environment, encouraging self-confidence and independence, in all aspects of the child’s life and learning.
Class updates
Phonics & Reading
The children will continue to develop their phonic skills to support their reading, decoding words and becoming fluent, to then be able to read for meaning and enjoyment. Both phonics and reading have a designated place on the timetable where the children are encouraged to engage in a range of activities and books.
English including Communication
The children will continue to develop their language through the use of ALDs, which record a bank of words to support the topics being taught, enabling the children to recall and engage with their learning in a more meaningful way. During our English, skills will be taught through a range of books, including; The Queen’s Knickers, The Kings Pants.
During our maths sessions the children will be learning about time and how to read the time on a clock. They will be measuring and comparing weight and mass and will be further developing their understanding of number, including fractions.
Our Jigsaw topics this term are ‘Dreams and Goals’ and ‘Healthy Me’. The children will be reflecting on how we can face challenges and overcome these to be successful and reach their personal goals and dreams. They will also consider what they need to do to have a healthy body and how to stay safe, understanding that medicine can help us feel better when poorly, but can be dangerous if we take it when not needed.