About Us
A message from our Executive Headteacher
Woodsetton School is a warm and friendly school for primary age pupils with moderate and complex learning difficulties and/or speech, language and communication difficulties. Pupils join us with a wide range of different needs, and bring a wonderful mix of interests and personalities to our school.
At Woodsetton we aim to provide a happy, caring and stimulating environment where children and adults feel safe and valued. Children are actively encouraged and supported to flourish, develop and achieve the very best they can preparing them for the future.
We place the child at the centre of what we offer, utilising individual EHC plans to structure our provision and support the holistic needs of our children. At Woodsetton, we offer an exciting and ambitious curriculum that provides a variety of experiences both in and around our school, and, across our local community. We ensure that our curriculum is personalised to cater for the needs of all our children, whatever their interests or ability, is engaging and provides opportunities to develop life skills, independence and confidence.
Mr D Stanton BSc (Hons) PGCE NPQH
Executive Headteacher