Bees Class is made up of 8 children, aged between 7 and 11. In Bees class, we focus on how the children learn best and the individual needs of each child. We provide opportunities for both indoor and outdoor learning and give children time to engage with a wide range of practical resources and equipment in order to develop their knowledge and skills.
There are three members of staff in Bees Class, Miss J Beckley (Class Teacher) and Teaching Assistants. We each work with all of the children throughout the school day.
Class updates
We will be having PE on a Tuesday and Friday this term. Please make sure your child has a PE kit that is labelled and that can be kept in school.
This half term we will visiting Sycamore on a Tuesday morning for our outdoor learning. Your child can come dressed in their forest clothes to school. We also need a pair of wellies to keep in school.
Please send your child to school with their reading book and reading record everyday. This is so we can share their reading book with them and write about their reading session. Books will be changed once a week.