An overview
Woodsetton supports pupils with moderate and complex learning difficulties from Reception to Year 6 (age 4 - 11). Pupils join us at different stages of their primary schooling and quickly settle into Woodsetton life.
Each class is named after a woodland creature and pupils are grouped with peers of a similar age who are working at the same stage of their learning and development. Individual EHC plans are used to inform provision and outcomes.
In order to provide pupils across Woodsetton with experiences that are relevant, interesting and challenging, and to identify opportunities for progression, we have a curriculum structure which encompasses three clearly defined routes.
Each route has been developed to meet the learning needs of the pupils and to support where they are in their learning journey.
The classes/routes are fluid and therefore pupils are able to move flexibly between them at any point during their time at Woodsetton depending on their progress.
Each route covers skills, knowledge and understanding across a range of areas of learning which are sequenced are therefore transferable.
Route A – Caterpillars → Hedgehogs → Ladybirds → Bees
Within this route there is an emphasis on establishing routines, supporting communication and interaction and developing a confidence to learn through exploration, realisation, anticipation, resilience and initiation. There is a great emphasis on sensory learning.
Route B – Moles → Hedgehogs/Woodpeckers → Frogs → Squirrels
Within this route pupils are continuing to develop their listening, attention and communication skills to support their learning but also building their confidence to learn new skills and knowledge in different areas of the curriculum through a semi-formal approach.
Route C – Badgers → Woodpeckers → Owls → Butterflies
Pupils in this route are more formal learners who are developing skills to be independent learners with the ability to transfer skills across different areas of the curriculum. They will be working towards National Curriculum age related expectations and some may be able to access statutory assessment in Year 2, 4 and 6.
On each class page you can find updated information about your child's class - what they are learning about, what they will be doing on each day, special visits etc. If you think there is anything missing that you would like to know more about, please let us know so that we can support you.